
Sign-up for our next Membership Class

If you’re interested in becoming a member of GBC or would like to learn more about our church – what we believe and how we do things – then this upcoming class, taught by Pastor Gary, is for you. It will be a full day of teaching, discussion, and fellowship: 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM on Saturday, July 6th.
Lunch will be provided by the church.

What is Church Membership?
What is Church Membership?

We believe the Bible calls us not just to a strong personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus, but to a robust, committed relationship with God’s people in the local church. We covenant together to encourage one another, serve one another with the spiritual gifts God has given us, and hold one another accountable to living lives that honor the Savior and give a good testimony to the gospel. Membership at GBC requires taking a class on what we believe and why we do things the way we do. Contact the church office if you have any questions about the upcoming class. They are held at least twice per year.